Augmented Reality

So, I've been exploring the technicalities and coolness of "Augmented Reality" AR at my workplace over the last week or so. It's a process of basically overlaying 2d or 3d images onto video of the world in "real time". This can be done using a video camera and a computer which could then lead to some kind of headset in the future. The process has been around for a number of years, but recently it has become possible to do it relatively easy on a website.

here is a video that got our curiosity going

It's designed using Adobe Flash, a code library called papervision3d , and another library called FLARToolKit based off of ARToolKit.

Saqoosha, who translated the code to work with flash, has some sample code to get started

There is a nice starter article that I've been going back to more than once from Mikko Haapoja out of Toronto:

A company called Boffswana designed a little monster AR that got the ball rolling:

papervision official site:

papervision3d tutorials at

I nice little blog documenting the broader AR goings on.

Here is a blog post from my boss filling out some other details on the topic.

GE is also doing a neat little AR thing with some cool animations.

I'm hoping to get a working version of my own up soon and I'll try to put it up here when it's ready. I'm finding in exciting as well as a good reason to learn some new stuff.

Hopefully you got something out of this. I needed a place to try and condense these finds into something.


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