
Showing posts from 2009

Regina Electronic Music

The other day I noticed that I hadn't updated this in awhile and I was also thinking about this good old city of Regina, Saskatchewan. I felt like promoting some of the local talent here that isn't just a band. So here are a few Regina electronic artists that deserve a little more of a showcase. Archie Cooper Latest tracks by Archie Cooper Limbo / Neontetra Latest tracks by limbo / neon tetra / rcid Pulsewidth Latest tracks by ernst.pulsewidth ------------------------------
A quick formal update. I know the world of twitter has taken up a lot of people's time, but I thought I would take a little moment to at least try mentioning that I've put some music up at soundcloud. Here is the player with some tracks that I just felt like they needed to be aired out a bit. Guidewire experiments by guidewire Hopefully I can get some feed back and see if any actually like a few of them. You guys can download them from soundcloud I believe. Also, these aren't really finished finished tracks. But, I guess sometimes after putting them out there is no going back. I just finished up two week or so of inspiring festival going and I can see more music starting to bubble up right away that I have some time to relax a little more. I hope to start getting some more complete ideas down on here as well. I'm also feeling like I may or may not start another blog that is more geared towards my work/tech research. But, I'll probably wait until...

WTFeb!!! + Guidewire Album

So, A little less than a month ago I held a little musical event called "WTFeb!!!" and we had some great performances from Hamptone, Pulsewidth, Guidewire (me), Dj Potree, and Nuthre. Here are there recordings: Hamptone pulsewidth Guidewire DJ PoTree Nuthre And a link to a stream of the five performances: I've also posted up an old album of mine called "Psycho Acoustic Algorhythms" which can be found here tell me what you think Hopefully you guys find these recordings worthy of your ears.

Augmented Reality

So, I've been exploring the technicalities and coolness of " Augmented Reality " AR at my workplace over the last week or so. It's a process of basically overlaying 2d or 3d images onto video of the world in "real time". This can be done using a video camera and a computer which could then lead to some kind of headset in the future. The process has been around for a number of years, but recently it has become possible to do it relatively easy on a website. here is a video that got our curiosity going -- It's designed using Adobe Flash, a code library called papervision3d , and another library called FLARToolKit based off of ARToolKit. Saqoosha, who translated the code to work with flash, has some sample code to get started There is a nice starter article that I've been going back to more than once from Mikko Haapoja out of Toronto: A company called Boffswana designed a litt...