
Showing posts from May, 2011

Jaron Lanier

Here is a video of a talk Jaron Lanier gave at a conference on Augmented Reality recently. I read his book "You Are Not A Gadget" recently and I'm curious about some of his ideas. He is one of those thinkers that I'm very interested in keeping up on what they have to say (including Bruce Sterling , Clay Shirky , Amber Case and Tim O'Reilly ) He mentions a short story by E.M. Forster (1909) in his talk called "The Machine Stops" that sounds like it would be a worth while read for all of us at some point. He also mentions an man name Ted Nelson that was one of the early thinkers on technology. I must go learn more about him ------------------------------

Waves Of Fury 12

This is a collection of recordings from the LAST "Waves Of Fury" in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan last night (May 16th, 2011). My set is the first in the list. Very happy to have been a part of an event like this. It's fairly rare to have something like this happen around these parts. It was also awesome to hear what everyone else had going on. Must thank Mark Lowe ( Lowebrau ) for putting all of these events on. WAVES OF FURY 12 by LOWEBRAU ------------------------------

"Ageing Young Rebel" by DJ Food

Never get tired of this.... If all goes well, you should be able to listen to the full album that this is from here ------------------------------

Novolovo by Guidewire

Another track that I made recently that caught my interest ------------------------------

My Favourite Norman Mclaren animation

and here is an interesting tribute to his original animation ------------------------------