Currently I have been reading a biography on the brilliant Canadian thinker Marshall McLuha n. It was written by brilliant (or so I've heard) Canadian author and artist Douglas Coupland . I've been curious about Marshall for a number of years and the book has made me eager to go look deeper into his ideas. Hopefully I can gather up his ideas and discuss them on this blog at some point in the future, but I'll just send you around to a few links to get the ball rolling. I recently stumbled across this amazing blog called Binary Heap full of awesome posts about music software, music theory, generative art and lots of amazing topics. I found a post on Marshall here that gave me the urge to post a few things here. The Medium is the Massage - which can be found on Ubu Web along with other here: I've listened to this many times in the last few years and every time I find something new in...