podcasts and such
So, I recently mentioned that I've found myself a little iPod for christmas. I've been getting all the cool podcast I could find off of the itunes site and putting them on my little machine. I've been picking up the Ricky Gervais show and it's absolutely great. Ricky Gervais is ofcourse one of the main instigators of the British tv show The Office. I think you should be able to listen to the show from his site or possiby by going into itunes and picking it up.
I've also been lovin' the photoshop tv podcast they have going. It's extremely helpful and I've learned so much more just be listening to those guys talking about it rather then reading up on those damned tutorials flooding the net.
please lead me to any other cool podcast when found. I'm looking into starting up my own, but I'm not sure if I really have the interest or time.....meh...I'll see what happens.